A  “member partner or any other term that may be adopted is one who has completed a Natures Renaissance International (NRI) application (either physically/hardcopy or online/”soft copy”) and agrees to become a member of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM Network and has been registered as a product distributor in the network. An Independent Distributor may be registered to market NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) products but may not necessarily participate in muIt4-level marketing. For the purpose of this Agreement both “Member, partner or any other term that may be adopted” and Independent Distributors are referred to as “Distributors”. NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM reserves the right to accept or reject anyone as a Distributor.

These Terms and Agreement are applicable and binding on all “Member, partner or any other term that may be adopted” and Independent Distributors of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM. They are designed to promote harmony and preserve the benefits, rights and privileges of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) Distributors and are not meant to restrict or limit their business. A NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) Distributor is required to familiarize herself/himself with these Terms and Conditions.

As used throughout these terms and conditions, “Agreement” collectively refers to the NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM Distributor Application and Agreement, Policies and Procedures, Marketing and Compensation Plan, and any other document incorporated by reference in the aforesaid. These documents, in their current form, and as may be amended by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM at its Sole discretion, constitute the entire contract between NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM, its concerned affiliate(s) and NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM Distributor. Except for other agreements entered to in writing, no other representation, promise, or agreement, shall be binding on the parties. Each Distributor, by signing the “Member, partner or any other term chat may be adopted”/Distributor Application form, expressly agrees to abide and be bound by the Terms and Conditions. Any member who fails to observe the terms and conditions will not plead ignorance to the terms and conditions.

  1. All Distributors must be the legal age of maturity in their countries where they distribute NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) products and in any case not below 18 years. Signing these Terms and Conditions is a declaration that I am of contractual age in my state of legal residence, that all information I provided during application is accurate and that I agree to perform all obligations within these terms and conditions and to indemnify NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) and/or its affiliates against any liabilities arising out of the acts or omission as a distributor.
  2. Natures Renaissance International (NRI) MLM reserves all the rights of interpretation of these terms, including the Compensation Plan.
  3. NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM will from time to time, issue circulars and memorandum, using her official communication channels, to inform Distributors of any change(s), amendment(s) or addition to these terms (when/where necessary).
  4. The Distributor, as an Independent contractor, is responsible for the expenses incurred by him/her in running his/her business.
  5. Taxes:”Member, partner or any other term that may be adopted” are responsible for the payment of their personal income taxes be they federal or state.
  6. A Distributor is not an employee, agent or franchise of UNIVERSAL ALTERNATIVE THERAPY DISCOVERY (UAT.D) and NATURES RENALSSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM and agrees that he/she has no authority to bind UNIVERSAL ALTERNATIVE THERAPY DISCOVERY (U.A.T.D) and NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM or its affiliates or negotiate any liabilities on its behalf and will not purport to do so.
  7. Should a Distributor misrepresent his/her relationship with NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) or Its affiliates and any adverse matter or action arises either directly or indirectly from such misrepresentation, the Distributor agrees to indemnify NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) or its affiliates for any loss(es) he/she suffers.
  8. I understand that as a Distributor of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM:
  1. I am granted the non-exclusive right to offer for sale the NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) Product(s) and services in accordance with this agreement.
  2. I have the right to register/sign up persons in NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL(NRI) MLM as a sponsor.
  3. If qualified, I have the right to earn commissions pursuant to the Compensation Plan
  4. I have an obligation of performing a bona fide supervisory, distributing and selling function in the sale or delivery of product to the ultimate consumer and in the training of those sponsored.
  1.  That the Compensation Plan for the referral and/or selling of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM product(s) and services shall be in accordance with this agreement and terms and conditions. NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM shall be entitled to change product prices at any time and without notice and to make changes in the statement of policy and procedures.
  2.  That he/she will only use official NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) corporate materials In all presentations and/or gatherings initiated by him/her for the purpose of promoting and/or selling/referring the NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM opportunity and/or product(s) to prospective clients and/or prospective Distributors.
  3. That he/she will conduct this business in a lawful, ethical and honest manner and do nothing which will reflect adversely on the goodwill or reputation of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI), its product(s) or other Distributors.
  4. That he/she will not use any misleading, deceptive or unfair recruiting methods.
  5. That he/she will present NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM opportunity and product(s) to prospective Distributors and/or clients in a truthful and sincere manner and will accept the training and ongoing support responsibilities of a sponsor, which are in place from time to time.
  6. That he/she will send to NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM at its official address payment in advance for all product(s) ordered and/or any other monies due to NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM by methods accepted to NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM.
  7. The Distributor will not make any claim that any regulatory authority approves or endorses any NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM product(s) and/or NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM marketing methods that are not true. In the conduct of his/her business, the distributor shall safeguard and promote the reputation of the products of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM and shall refrain from all conduct which might be harmful to such reputation of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM or to the marketing of such products inconsistent with the public interest, and shall avoid all discourteous, deceptive, misleading, unethical or immoral conduct or practices.
  8.  The Distributor acknowledges that any use of any registered trademark, logos of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) and any of the NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM materials must be done in their original and unaltered form only and any use must be for the purpose of the NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL(NRI) MLM business and in accordance with the terms of this agreement only.
  9.  NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL(NRI) MLM distributors shall not advertise company products and/or compensation plans except as specifically approved by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM. NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM distributors agree to make no false or fraudulent representations about NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM, the products, compensation plan, or income potentials. If NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MMM becomes aware that an Independent “Member partner or any other term that may be adopted”/Distributor is making any false, inaccurate or misleading representations or claims as to any potential or future expected earnings, incentives to any prospective Distributor or any claims as co cures to ailments, diseases, sickness etc. , to prospective customers/clients regarding any of the product(s), it shall be deemed to constitute a material breach of this agreement and NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM Shall be entitled to take disciplinary measures deemed appropriate by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) on written notice. This is without prejudice to any other remedies, which might be available to NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRl) MLM at law.
  10.  Any notice(s) which NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM wishes to send to the Independent “Member partner or any other term that may be adopted”/Distributor will be sent via SMS, emails, official social media channels and/or pasted at the notice board(s) at NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM official address or on its official website.
  11.  Canvassing for or promoting any other business within and/or around NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM premises/seminar venues is highly prohibited. The Distributor shall not seek to persuade any other Distributor(s) to terminate their position with NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM or to become less active.
  12.  I understand that my participation as a NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM Independent Distributor does not restrict my participation in another businesses or direct sales opportunity, except that:
  1. I shall not, while participating as a NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM Independent Distributor participate in any other opportunity that directly competes with NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM in offering similar product(s) to that of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM.
  2. I understand and agree that if I elect to participate in another non- competing muIti-level marketing or direct sales opportunity, I will maintain separate organizations, independent of one another, for each such non- competing opportunity.
  1.  Upon the death or incapacity of the Distributor his or her rights to bonuses and marketing position, together with distributor responsibilities, shall pass to his or her nominated successors (NOK) in interest upon written application and approval of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM. The successor distributor must fulfill all responsibilities of the distributor.
  2.  I authorize NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM to use my name, photograph, personal story and/or likeness in advertising or promotional materials and waive all claims for remuneration for such use.
  3.  Trademark, Trade Names, Advertising.
  1. The name NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) and other names as may be adopted by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM are proprietary trade names and trademarks of UNIVERSAL ALTERNATIVE THERAPY DISCOVERY (UAT.D). They are supplied to the Distributor for their use only in an expressly authorized manner. Distributor agrees not to advertise NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM product in any way other than the advertising and promotional materials made available to distributor by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM. Distributor agrees not to use any written, printed, recorded or any other material in advertising, promoting, or describing the product or NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM marketing program, or in any other manner, any material which has not been copyrighted and supplied d by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM, unless such material has been submitted to NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM, and (approved in writing by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM, before being disseminated, published or displayed. NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL(NRI) MLM will not permit the use of its copyrights, designs, logos, trade names, trademarks, etc. without its prior written permission.
  2. The ”Member partner or any other term that may be adopted”/distributor, as an Independent contractor, is fully responsible for all of hisher verbal and written statements made regarding the product marketing program which are not expressly contained In writing in the current distributor agreement, and advertising or promotional material supplied directly by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATLONAL(NRI) MLM. distributor agrees to indemnify NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM and hold it harmless from any at including judgments, civil penalties, refund, attorney fees, court costs or lost business incurred by NATURES RENAISSANCEINTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM as a result of distributor’s unauthorized representation
  3. All NATURES RENAISANNCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM materials, whether printed, on film, on website(s). Social media channels or produced by sound recording, are copyrighted and may not be reproduced in whole or in part by distributors or any other person except as authorized by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM. Permission to reproduce any materials will be considered only in extreme circumstances. Therefore, a distributor should not anticipate that approval will be granted.
  4. A NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM distributor may not produce, use or distribute any information relative to the contents, characteristics or properties of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL ‹NRI) MLM product which has not been provided directly by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to; print, audio or video media.
  5. A NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM distributor may not produce, sell or distribute literature, films, or Sound recordings which are deceptively similar in nature to those produced, published and provided by NATURE RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL {NRI) MLM for its distributors. Nor may a distributor purchase, sell or distribute non-NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM materials that imply or suggest that said materials originate from NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL(NRI) MLM.
  6. Any display ads or institutional or trademark advertising copy, other than covered in the foregoing rules, must be submitted to NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM and approved in writing by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM prior to publication. All advertising copy, direct mailing, radio, TV, newspaper and display copy must be approved in writing by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM before being disseminated, published or displayed.
  1.  Exhibitions. NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL(NRI) MLM produced marketing materials and products may be displayed in a separate sectioned area in booths or pavilions in any trade fairs, corporate or community exhibitions or road shows.
  2.  The Distributor Agreement may be canceled at any time and for any reason by a distributor notifying NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM in writing of the election to cancel.
  3.  If a distributor elects not to renew his/her distributor agreement, all rights to bonuses, marketing position, and wholesale purchases cease. The terminated distributor’s sales organization shall be transferred to his/her sponsor.
  4.  Each distributor shall comply with all state and local taxes and regulations governing the sale of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM products.
  5.  Distributor shall not sell to other NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM distributors, other than personally sponsored distributors, non- NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM products or in any way promote to such NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM distributor’s opportunities in marketing programs of other companies. Such admissible promotion to designated personally sponsored distributors may not take place on the occasion or at the place designated for or associated with a NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM business opportunity meeting or NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI ) MLM- related activity.
  6.  NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM Distributor has access to data processing information and reports which will provide information to the distributor concerning the distributor’s downline sales organization and product purchases. Distributor agrees that such information is proprietary and confidential to NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM and is transmitted to the distributor in confidence. The distributor agrees that he or she will not disclose such information to any third party directly or indirectly, nor use the information to compete with NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM directly or indirectly. The distributor and NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM agree that, but for this agreement of confidentiality and non disclosure, NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (URI) MLM would not provide the above confidential information to distributor.
  7.  Vendor Confidentiality. NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM’s business relationship with its vendors, manufacturers and suppliers is confidential. A distributor shall not contact, directly or indirectly, or speak to or communicate with any representative of any supplier or manufacturer of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM except at a NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM sponsored event at which the representative is present at the request of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM. Violation of this regulation may result in termination and possible claims for damages if the vendor/manufacturer‘s association is compromised by the distributor contact.
  8.  A distributor may not sell, assign or otherwise transfer his or her distributorship, marketing position or other distributor rights without written application and approval by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM. The distributorship must be offered in writing first to the distributor’s sponsor. If the sponsor declines the offer, the distributor may offer the distributorship for sale to other qualified NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM distributors but only on the same terms and conditions as offered to the sponsor. A distributor who sells his or her distributorship shall not be eligible to re-qualify as a distributor for a period of at least six months after the sale. NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM reserves the right to review the sale agreement and to verify waiver from the upline sponsor in the event the upline sponsor declines to purchase the distributorship.
  9.  Disciplinary Actions. A distributor’s violation of any policies and procedures, the agreement, terms and conditions or any illegal, fraudulent, deceptive, or unethical” business conduct may result, at NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM discretion, in one or more or the following disciplinary actions:
  1.  Issuance of a written warning or admonition.
  2. Suspension, which may result in termination or reinstatement with conditions and restrictions.
  3. Termination of the distributor
  1.  NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM reserves the right to terminate any distributorship at any time for cause when it is determined that the distributor has violated the provisions of these policies and procedures as they may be amended or the provisions of applicable laws and standards of fair dealing. Such involuntary termination shall be made by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM at its discretion. Upon an involuntary termination, NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM shall notify the distributor by mail at the latest address listed with NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM for the distributor or any of its official communication channels. In the event of a termination, the terminated distributor agrees to immediately cease representing him/himself as a distributor. 


  1. When a decision is made to terminate a distributorship, NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (URI) MLM will inform the distributor in writing that the distributorship is terminated immediately, elective as of the date of the written notification. The termination notice will be sent by certified mail to the distributor’s address on file with NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL {NRI) MLM or any of its official communication channel.
  2. The distributor will have 15 days from the date of communication in which to appeal the termination in writing. The distributor’s appeal correspondence must be received by NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM within 30 days of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM‘s termination letter. If the appeal is not received within the 30 day period, the termination will be automatically deemed final.
  3. If a distributor files a timely appeal of termination, NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM will review and reconsider the termination, consider any other appropriate action, and notify the distributor of its decision. The decision of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM will be final and subject to no further review. In the event the termination is not rescinded, the termination will be effective as of the date of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM’s original termination notice.
  1.  Transfer of Sponsorship. Transfer is rarely permitted and is actively discouraged. Maintaining integrity is absolutely mandatory for the success of the overall organization.
  2. Transfers will generally be approved in three (3) circumstances only:
  1. In the case of unethical sponsoring by the original sponsor. In such cases, NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM will be the final authority.
  2. With the written approval of the immediate five ‹s) upline sponsors.
  3. Resigning from NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM entirely and waiting three (3) months to reapply under the new sponsor.

b. In the case of unethical sponsoring, the individual may be transferred without any downline intact; in all other events, the individual alone is transferred without any downline distributors being removed from the original line of sponsorship.

  1.  NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM encourages each distributor to keep accurate sales records. The program is based upon retail sales to the ultimate consumers; therefore, all forms of stockpiling or pyramiding are prohibited. Products are offered to distributors only for personal consumption and for resale to consumers.
  1.  Income Claims. No income claims, income projections nor income representations may be made to prospective distributors. Any false, deceptive or misleading claims regarding the opportunity or product/service are prohibited.
  1.  Press Inquiries. Any inquiries by the media are to be referred immediately to NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL(NRI) MLM. This policy is to assure accuracy and consistent public image.
  1.  In the event of a dispute, Natures Renaissance International (NRI) decision is final.
  1.  Waiver. NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM never gives up its right to insist on compliance with these rules or with the applicable laws governing the conduct of a business. This is true in all cases, both specifically expressed and implied, unless an officer of NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM who is authorized to bind NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM in contracts or agreements specifies that NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM waives any of these provisions. In addition, anytime NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM gives permission for a breach of the rules, that permission does not extend to future breaches. This provision deals with the concept of “waiver”, and the parties agree that NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM does not waive any of its rights under any circumstances short of the written confirmation alluded to above.
  2.  Governing Law, These rules are reasonably related to the laws of the country where NATURES RENAISSANCE INTERNATIONAL (NRI) MLM is based and shall be governed in all respects thereby.
  1. Severability Caused if any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, it shall not affect the unenforceability of any other provision of this Agreement. Rather, the invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision shall be modified so that it is valid, legal, and enforceable and to the fullest extent possible, reflects the intention of the parties.

Medical Disclaimer

This tool is intended for informational and educational purposes.

The contents of this material are not intended to substitute for professional Medical advice, diagnosis or treatment,

Our organic products can be used in concurrence with your prescriptions from a qualified and licensed health provider.

Please consult your physician for personalized medical advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding a medical condition. Never disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice or treatment because of something you have read from any of our official material(s) or on our website.

A qualified physician should make a decision based on each person’s medical history and current prescriptions.